Wednesday 6 August 2008

Beating about the bush... or not?

I've been reading a lot of discussions lately, and being the natural opinionated and curious person that I am - it all got me thinking. Whenever I'm having a debate or  'difficulty of agreement' with another person over anything at all, I always find myself siding with people who aren't or can't defend themselves.

For example...drug addicts, most of them feel trapped and therefore they turn into addicts simply striving to find something to fill a void. Now I sympathize with them, but many people don't and take a hard straight forward approach. I think victimizing or putting a stigma on people who feel trapped isn't going to get us ANYWHERE.

So, here is my question: Do you think compassion and understanding are the way to improving everyday complications... or direct and forward approaches?


Thinkinfyou said...

WOW! Hard question. I think it depends on the person and the situation.

Spoz said...

Well, I agree...but don't you think we need to totally understand both sides of a problem before forming an opinion and instantly putting people down?

Nardeeisms said...

I firmly believe in compassion first, but am not afraid of "tough love" if necessary. I have always been for the underdog, so if there is a chance for me to help without my being "used", I am more than happy to do so. - Nards

derick said...

compassion & understanding is the first part of the triangle,the next as Nards says , yes, is the 'tough love'
and the third part is the willingness of the people going through any complication to want to change their situation.
take care

Alexander said...

We DO need to totally understand the situation...and it is very important to NOT put anyone down.

In the case of drug abuse...and in my own personal experience, sometimes you just simply try.

I was trying to help a crack addict for two years. Spent lots of time, energy, and emotions on him.

Many people thought I should have given up on him. I didn't. Until 2 years later, he moved...and a few months later, used again.

No one should say drug users are bad people! Drug users need help...and in many cases, that means letting them hit bottom on their own. God willing, they will get a wake up call!

Alexander said...

Do NOT mistake fighting drug abuse hard with "putting down people"!

Hate the sin, not the sinner!

Spoz said...

Well, I've heard many people PUT drug addicts down. I know a good few in person and know alot of grief that people give them because they simply don't want to understand. I'm kinda just floating around with my own opinions and I appreciate your honesty. Thankyou.